Letter to the Editor: NC Needs to Move Beyond Single-Use Plastics

Even though recycling is widely available, the equivalent of two garbage trucks worth of plastic is dumped into the ocean every minute. The recent Fayetteville Observer article, “Plastic bag bans and fees pit NC communities against the General Assembly,” notes how popular a plastic bag ban was in the Outer Banks.

The region’s representative reported receiving 50 pro-ban messages for every one against it. Now a bag fee proposed in Durham also seems to be popular among the public. A survey of 60 businesses found that 65% were in favor (and 20% were neutral) toward the fee.

Residents and local businesses are tired of the plastic waste problem. I have seen it in so many neighborhoods at our monthly litter cleanups in Cumberland County. No one wants to see plastic bags hanging from trees where they live. Litter removal is expensive, too, costing the state $11,180,318 in 2020.

Read the rest of the article in the Fayetteville Observer here. Click here to take action and contact Governor Cooper to reduce single-use plastics in state facilities.

Compost Pickup with Compost Now

In the U.S., landfills are the third-largest source of human-related methane emissions, and food scraps are the largest component of landfill waste. You can be part of the solution by composting! Click here for resources to start your own backyard bin or indoor “vermicompost” worm bin. 

Would you prefer the convenience of compost pickup? If the company Compost Now receives 500 service inquiries, they will consider coming to our area. Click here to find out more, and click “Check Availability in Your Area” to submit an inquiry.